.wpd File Extension
File Type 1WordPerfect Document
Developer | Corel |
Category | Text Files |
File Format | Binary |
.WPD Type 1
It is possible to open WPD files using one of the well-known word processors, Corel WordPerfect. In those files, you can store images, drawn objects, tables, and texts. Even though you can save WPD files in Corel format, later, you can convert them into different formats inside WordPerfect.
WPD file opened in Corel WordPerfect Office X8
In 1997, Corel stopped WordPerfect distribution for various operating systems. The exception is Windows. As it is still being developed for Windows, you can find it within the WordPerfect Office suite.
Even if you can open WPD files with different word processing apps, their default app is WordPerfect. Other software that can open WPD files are Microsoft Word, LibreOffice Writer, and NeoOffice.
Programs that open WPD files
File Type 2602Text Word Processing Document
Developer | Software602 |
Category | Text Files |
File Format | N/A |
.WPD Type 2
One of the earliest word processing apps for Windows, 602PC SUITE, included 602Text that could create this file. Such files could contain formatted text and page layout information. Also, saved files were compatible with Microsoft Word.
NOTE: 602Text hasn't been developed since 2001. All of the users are urged to use Kingsoft Office. An app called "Kingsoft Writer" has similar functionalities.
Windows |
File Type 3ACT! 2 Word Processing Document
Developer | The Sage Group |
Category | Text Files |
File Format | N/A |
.WPD Type 3
ACT!, ver.2, uses this file format. Software is utilized for contact management.
NOTE: In 2013, Sage ACT! was rebranded as Swiftpage Act!
Windows |