Software : Apple : Apple Archive Utility

Apple Archive Utility

License Bundled
Category Utility


Apple Archive Utility is an application bundled with OS X. It can be used to create and expand archives.

Archive Utility can write and read ZIP archives, as well as CPIO and CPGZ archives. Archive Utility can also extract bzip2, CBZ, tar, GZ, Jar, tgz. tbz., compress, and UUencode archive formats. Archive Utility allows you to modify the expanding and archiving process. You can choose where to save expanded files, what you do with archives after they are expanded, and where to save archives.

Apple Archive Utility is a helpful tool for OS X users that comes bundled with the operating system. It supports many of the most popular archive formats and even gives you some customizable archiving functions. Apple Archive Utility is a useful tool for many of your archiving requirements if you're an OS X user.

▶ Other extension used by Apple Archive Utility 10

Supported file types
Additional related file formats