Software : Apple : Apple Disk Utility

Apple Disk Utility

License Bundled
Category Utility


Apple Disk Utility, a system tool included in Mac OS X, is available. It is used by the system to perform various tasks on disks and disk volumes but can also be accessed directly with the command line.

Disk Utility is used to access any disk on a Mac for any type of task. This includes everything from mounting a disk volume or image to verifying a disk's integrity and formatting a disk. You can access the utility directly with the command line using the hdiutil and diskutil commands.

Disk Utility is most likely already installed on an OS X-based computer. More advanced users who are comfortable with with a command line interface may be interested in interacting with the utility directly using terminal.

▶ Other extension used by Apple Disk Utility 12

Supported file types
Additional related file formats