Software : Apple : Apple Mail

Apple Mail

License Bundled


Apple Mail is an email application bundled with the OS X operating system. The program can also be used on a mobile device with the iOS platform.

Mail allows you to access a number of email services such as iCloud and Gmail, Exchange, Yahoo!, and Yahoo! Mail, and AOL Mail. The SMTP and POP3 protocols are used. Additionally, the MBOX format is used to store and organize email messages.

The application offers a variety functions including text-to-speech, spelling and grammar checks, and the ability of exporting a message as .PDF files. You can create folders to organize your messages and save signatures. You can also quickly load photos as attachments. You can also apply a variety of stationery styles for birthday invitations, photo collages, and other announcements with the .MAILSTATIONERY file.

Mail is a good option for OS X users who use multiple email services and want to organize their mail in one application. You can also use the application to create stationery designs, insert sketches and shape, and even text-to-speech. Give Apple Mail a shot if you are looking for a solution to managing your multiple email accounts.

▶ Other extension used by Apple Mail 8

Supported file types
Additional related file formats
.P7S Digitally Signed Email Message