Software : Apple : Apple OS X

Apple OS X

El Capitan
License Commercial
Category System


OS X, or macOS, is an operating system (OS) developed by Apple and designed to run on Macintosh computers, such as the iMac and MacBook. macOS was first released in 2001. It is based on NeXTSTEP which Apple purchased in 1997 when Steve Jobs returned to Apple. Both NeXTSTEP ( Unix ) and macOS (kernel) are Unix -based. The OS was called "Mac OS X" until version OS X 10.8 when Apple dropped "Mac" from the name. With the release of macOS 10.12 Sierra, 2016, "OS X" was changed to "macOS".

The operating system comes with a variety applications such as iTunes, Safari and iMovie. These can be used for a variety purposes such as listening to music or surfing the web, viewing photos and reading eBooks. Finder is the desktop interface for macOS and includes several standard features. macOS includes a menu bar, which is fixed at the top of the screen. The Dock is also included in the Finder. It is located at the bottom of your screen by default. It allows you to organize all your files, documents, applications, music, and pictures.

MacOS is the most popular desktop operating system after Windows. It is loved by professionals, students, and personal users. Apple releases new versions of the OS every September. The OS offers a wide range of features and is constantly updated. Even though macOS is more expensive than computers running Windows, it's still a powerful operating system.

▶ Other extension used by Apple OS X El Capitan

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