Software : Bare Bones : Bare Bones TextWrangler

Bare Bones TextWrangler

License Freeware
Category Programming


Bare Bones TextWrangler is a free text editor primarily used to edit source code. It is considered the "little brother" of BBEdit as it is similar, but provides less features.

TextWrangler provides many of the basic text editing features, such as spell check and find and replace functionality, but also features useful programming capabilities. The text editor supports syntax highlighting and function navigation in a variety programming languages, including HTML and PHP, JavaScript and XML, Perl and Python, C++ and Ruby. The program can also be used as an external editor with Xcode.

TextWrangler is not limited to editing plain-text files. It is designed for programmers and web designers who need to read and code. The text editor provides a variety of helpful features, a clean interface, and convenient integration with the OS X platform. Bare Bones TextWrangler is a good choice for OS X users looking for a free source code editor.

▶ Other extension used by Bare Bones TextWrangler 4

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