Software : Crick Software : Crick Software Clicker

Crick Software Clicker

License Commercial
Category Educational


Crick Software Clicker is a literacy tool used by teachers to create curriculum resources tailored to student needs. The program helps children play more of an active role in the learning process.

Clicker features word processing capabilities designed for developing and struggling readers and writers. Clicker includes the Clicker Board tool, which helps students prepare for writing. It enables students to manipulate and link pictures, words, and sounds. The program's Voice Notes feature allows students to record audio notes and practice their sentences to work on their thoughts and ideas.

The app provides realistic speech feedback, giving students a voice they can identify with. Clicker has an intelligent word predictor built in that helps struggling students expand their vocabulary.

Clicker is used by teachers to help students improve their reading and writing skills. It can also be used to assist students with learning difficulties, physical disabilities, and other special education needs. Crick Software Clicker is an excellent tool for teachers who want to encourage students' reading and writing skills.

▶ Other extension used by Crick Software Clicker 7

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