Software : Eclipse Foundation : Eclipse


License Open Source
Category Programming


Eclipse is a free IDE that allows developers and debuggers to create and test software applications. It is available for Windows, Mac OS X and Linux.

Eclipse is primarily used to develop Java software, but it can be used for other programming languages as well. Eclipse also has distributions for C/C++, and PHP software development. Equinox technology is the basis of the program. It provides a plugin system that allows you to extend the base software.

Below is a list of the major Eclipse distributions:

Eclipse's plugin framework makes it easy to install additional features. For example, you can also add support for languages such as Fortran, JavaScript, Perl, Ruby, Groovy, and Python with readily available plugins. You can also create your own plugins that you can share with others.

If you are looking for a good, free Java IDE, Eclipse is a great development tool. If you develop applications in languages other than Java, there may be better options available.

▶ Other extension used by Eclipse 4

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