Software : Google : Google Android SDK

Google Android SDK

License Freeware
Category Programming


Google Android SDK (software development kit) is used to create Android applications. It works with an integrated development network (IDE) and can be downloaded as a bundle with many IDEs. Android applications are saved in the .APK format.

The SDK starter package includes many tools that are both useful as well as necessary for development. Android is a key tool that allows you to view, create, delete and view Android Virtual Devices. It is also used to create new Android projects and make updates to them. While developing the layout of your application you can use the Hierarchy Viewer to monitor UI elements and then use layoutopt to optimize your layouts and layout hierarchies.

Android SDK includes tools to test and debug your application while it is being developed. You can test your mobile Android application from your computer using the emulator. It also includes a tool called Monkey, which runs on your emulator. It automates user actions, including clicks, swipes, and touches. It can also perform system-level events. Android SDK also comes with a debugger called the Dalvik Debug Monitor Server which provides many different methods for you to work out issues with your app.

Android SDK is an essential tool if you're interested in creating software for Android devices. Installation of the development kit is very customizable, allowing you to work with the bare-bones basic package or with as many extra tools as you desire.

▶ Other extension used by Google Android SDK 23

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