Software : Google : Google Earth for Android

Google Earth for Android

License Freeware
Category Scientific


Google Earth is an Android app that allows you to view satellite imagery, terrain maps, terrain and 3D buildings. It is the Android version of the popular Google Earth desktop version.

You can explore the Earth using a variety of methods. These include zooming in on maps and flying through 3D cities. Or, you can view a structure from street-level. Google Earth allows you to browse layers such as photos or Wikipedia to learn more about a specific place. To view interesting maps, such as planes in flight, beautiful hiking trails, or earthquakes, you can also visit the app’s maps gallery. If you are new to the app, you can learn about its features and layout

Google Earth is a fun and educational tool for Android users looking to explore our planet. While it is not without its bugs, such as its trouble loading some information from KML and KMZ files, it still is worth downloading if you are a fan of the desktop version of Google Earth.

▶ Other extension used by Google Earth for Android 8

Supported file types
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