Software : Jens Monig : Snap!


License Open Source
Category Educational


Snap! is an educational drag-and-drop graphical programming language used to teach computer science to a wide range of ages. It was originally called Build Your Own Blocks, and was inspired by Scratch. Snap! is a different program than BYOB. You will need a web browser.

Snap! doesn't require you to write programs. provides a visual interface. You can create graphical elements known as sprites, and then program them with different behaviors. Drag blocks containing commands from a script to your target sprite and drop them there. Commands include controlling motion, sounds, and appearance, as well as events, variables, and logical statements.

If you are interested in learning more about the concepts of computer programming or teaching these principles to others, Snap! is a great choice. It is especially useful for people who might find jumping right into code intimidating.

▶ Other extension used by Snap! 3

Supported file types
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