Software : NewTek : NewTek LightWave 3D

NewTek LightWave 3D

License Commercial
Category Graphics


NewTek LightWave 3D is a 3D computer graphics application that is used to create 3D graphics and animations. It has been used in many different industries including TV, film, architecture, advertising, and video game development.

LightWave is able to render both animated and static 3D images utilizing a good sized pallet of tools for creating and manipulating images. You can either use a simple layer-based system or a more complex but powerful nodal system to surface your 3D elements. LightWave also includes effective procedural, nodal, and keyframe animation tools to help bring your 3D creations to life.

There are many features that LightWave provides that make it easy to add CGI effects during the movie making process. Virtual Studio Tools allows movie crews to walk on a set using cameras and other input devices. LightWave will then create a virtual replica. It can even replicate the lighting on the set.

LightWave is a great 3D animation solution that can be used by smaller companies who don't have the budget for Maya. While it is a lot less expensive then similar products from Autodesk, LightWave is still quite expensive and probably not ideal for those who are simply looking to dip their toes into 3D graphics.

▶ Other extension used by NewTek LightWave 3D 11

Supported file types
.RPF Rich Pixel Format File
Additional related file formats