Software : Oracle : MySQL


License Open Source
Category Programming


MySQL is a popular open-source relational database management system (RDBMS). It is a reliable, high-performance database engine and is popularly used on web servers and in open source and commercial software applications. MySQL's popularity has risen due to its inclusion in "AMP", (Apache MySQL, Perl/PHP/Python), packages such as LAMP and WAMP.

MySQL works primarily in client-server environments and is a scalable and very fast database system. You can also use it as an embedded database. However, SQLite and other solutions are better for embedded databases as they are smaller in size.

There are many open-source RDBMS products, but MySQL has the edge in the client/server market because of its reliability and speed. If you're looking for creating an application that uses a back end with structured data, MySQL should be one of the first places you look for your database solution.

▶ Other extension used by MySQL 5.6.19

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