Software : Adobe : Adobe Illustrator

Adobe Illustrator

CC 2018
License Commercial
Category Graphics


Adobe Illustrator is an industry standard drawing program used to create and edit vector graphics. Unlike Photoshop, Illustrator uses paths, rather than bitmaps, to create images. This allows drawings to be resized and altered without affecting their quality. Illustrator is used to create logos, digital art, drawings and other graphics in professional environments.

The Adobe Illustrator workspace includes a drawing canvas, known as an artboard, surrounded by various configurable toolbars and palettes. You can modify the workspace by hiding, showing, or moving palettes to a preferred arrangement. You can also edit multiple artboards concurrently to streamline document editing across drawings.

Illustrator includes advanced features, such as color blending capabilities for creating photorealistic gradients and global editing for modifying similar objects across multiple artboards at the same time. The program also provides more accessible Adobe fonts that you can preview and activate within Illustrator. The software also supports many other convenience tools that can make your graphics workflow more efficient.

Adobe Illustrator can be used with other Creative Cloud (CC), programs by using interchangeable file formats. It can also open industry-standard graphics files like.PDF,.EPS,.FXG..SVG..DWG and.DXF.

If you are a drawing professional, you will find that it is hard to replace Illustrator with an alternative graphics editor. Adobe Illustrator is the best choice for serious vector artists because of its robust features and ability create professional-quality graphics.

▶ Other extension used by Adobe Illustrator CC 2018

Supported file types
.BMP Bitmap Image File
Additional related file formats