Software : Apple : Apple Preview

Apple Preview

License Bundled
Category Utility


Apple Preview is an application that allows you to view images and documents on Mac computers. It can open many common image formats, such as .JPG, .PNG, and .BMP, as well as a few document formats, such as .PDF, .FAX, and .PPT. Preview is part of macOS and is the default program to open image files.

Beyond viewing images, Preview provides some limited editing capabilities. Preview has basic image editing tools that use Apple Core Image processing technology. It also allows you to annotate images or documents. Preview also allows you to create, edit, and encrypt PDF files and has the ability to extract single pages from multipage PDF documents. It does not, however, support ISO-standardized PDF so care must be taken when saving these types of files.

Apple Preview is a great tool to quickly view PDF files or images. With a simple double click of the file, its contents will be displayed to you. Preview is already installed on Mac users.

▶ Other extension used by Apple Preview 10

Supported file types
.BMP Bitmap Image File
Additional related file formats