Software : Golden Software : Golden Software Voxler

Golden Software Voxler

License Commercial
Category Scientific


Golden Software is a 3D modeling and well data application. It is a leading program for 3D surface mapping, 3D geoological data visualization, 3D well modeling.

The application supports a large variety of raw, GIS, geologic, borehole, and point cloud data formats, such as ESRI ArcInfo, Access Database, Office Open XML XLSX, and LAS Well Data. You can then visualize your data by using the application to generate 3D models and 3D images. Voxler offers a variety of features that create a powerful yet user-friendly 3D visual environment. These include stream lines, Isosurfaces and volume rendering.

When you are ready to share your model or image, Voxler provides helpful printing tools, which includes a print preview that makes printing on several pages more accurate. The application includes video recording capabilities that allows you to share video of the changes you make to maps with other users. You can also export your model or image to popular formats, such as PDF, JPEG, ESRI Float Grid, BMP, GIF, and PNG.

Voxler is a popular program used in a variety of professional environments from Geologists studying 3D seismic data to Meteorologists compiling atmospheric studies. It can import many data formats and provides tools to visualize data using 3D models and images. Golden Software Voxler is a great choice for professionals that need to visualize their raw, borehole, GIS, and geologic data.

▶ Other extension used by Golden Software Voxler 3

Supported file types
.BMP Bitmap Image File
Additional related file formats