Software : Google : Google Drive for iOS

Google Drive for iOS

License Freeware
Category Utility


Google Drive is an iOS app that allows you to access and back up your files on your Drive. To install the app on your iOS device, you will need a Google+ account.

You can upload files, videos, and images to Drive from your iPhone or iPad to cloud storage. You can view the files immediately after you have uploaded them to Drive. Drive supports a wide range of formats such as PDF, Microsoft Office XML and JPEG. The app also allows you to share your files and folders with others and customize the viewing capabilities of the files and folders so anyone with a link can view, edit, or comment.

Google Drive enables you to manage your cloud storage from your iOS device. You can back up documents, video, and pictures from your device, view files that are already in your cloud storage space, and share uploaded files and folders with others. Google Drive is a must-have tool for iOS users who need to manage their Drive cloud storage.

▶ Other extension used by Google Drive for iOS 4

Supported file types
.BMP Bitmap Image File
Additional related file formats