Software : Jonathan Kew : TeXworks


License Open Source


TeXworks is an open source application that was created to be a GUI for TeX. TeX is a typesetting system used for creating technical publications. Without an installed user interface, TeX must be accessed through a command line interface. TeXworks needs to be installed in order to function.

TeXworks' graphical user interface makes it easy to create TeX documents. Its design is based off of other open-source, cross-platform tools to provide a familiar user experience. TeXworks integrates a PDF viewer to view your project's output with source/preview syncronization. With source/preview synchronization you can control-click on a point in your PDF preview and see where it is located in your source.

TeXworks makes working with TeX more accessible than using a command prompt. TeXworks is a great choice if you're looking for an easy and free way to create TeX documents. You may want to consider other options, such as project management.

▶ Primary File Extension

.tex – LaTeX Source Document

▶ Other extension used by TeXworks 0.4.5

Supported file types
Additional related file formats