Software : Microsoft : Microsoft Internet Explorer

Microsoft Internet Explorer

License Freeware
Category Internet


Microsoft Internet Explorer is the default web browser of Microsoft Windows. It is the most popular web browser, alongside Google Chrome and Mozilla Firefox.

Internet Explorer comes installed on devices that run Microsoft Windows, such as tablets or PCs. You can customize your web browser for the same experience on all your compatible Windows PCs and mobile devices. Internet Explorer features quick webpage loading and protects you from nearly all socially engineered malware. Internet Explorer offers secure browsing with a Do Not Track feature and an InPrivate Browsing option that protects your browsing history. You can also inspect webpages using the web browser's developer tools.

Internet Explorer is a solid web browser. It offers a simple interface, fast loading times, malware protection, and private browsing. However, newer versions of Internet Explorer are only available for PCs that run Windows 7 and later, which limits the browser. Microsoft has also made Edge the default browser for Windows 10 users. This is a significant upgrade to Internet Explorer. All in all, Microsoft Internet Explorer is a good web browser, but Chrome or Firefox are better options.

▶ Other extension used by Microsoft Internet Explorer 11

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