Software : Tumult : Tumult Hype

Tumult Hype

License Commercial
Category Graphics


Tumult Hype, an OS X program that creates animated and interactive web pages, is available. Hype allows you create web pages, animations and eBooks without ever having to code a line.

The application offers a keyframe-based animation tool that allows you to capture the movement of various elements such as images, buttons and text and then edit them in your timeline. Hype features scenes that enable you to separate your content and simplify animation flow, as well as specify layouts that respond to different screen sizes. To trigger scene transitions and sounds, you can insert actions in your content. These actions respond to mouse clicks and touch events.

Hype provides built-in support for HTML5 audio and video and a variety of CSS3 effects to generate multimedia experiences. You can edit HTML and JavaScript if you know how to code. You can check the content you have created by opening it in different browsers. Hype warns you if there are any browser incompatibilities. Once you're done, you can export your content as HTML5, MP4 Video or Animated GIF to iBooks Author, or to Dropbox directly.

Expert and novice developers can use Hype to create interactive web content. It offers a wide range of animation tools and allows you to modify code directly to make any changes that are not supported by the application. However, Hype should not be used to create multi-page website as it lacks important HTML and CSS editing capabilities but if you are looking for a tool to create animated and interactive content, a Tumult Hype is a quality application.

▶ Other extension used by Tumult Hype 3

Supported file types
.OGV Ogg Video File
Additional related file formats